大学机会基金(COF) 2024-2025年助学金变化:
- 今年的COF助学金将为我支付多少博天堂官方学费?
COF津贴将支付116美元每个符合条件的学分,所以如果你每个学分15学分 本学期,COF将为你支付1740美元的学费,今年的学费总额为3480美元.
- How will I find out what it costs to attend UNC?
The most up-to-date cost information is online at wfit.web-sitemap.mxy163.com/costs/
- What are the “College Opportunity Fund” and “COF”?
大学机会基金(简称cof)是科罗拉多州提供资金的方式 support for resident undergraduate students. COF was created by the Colorado Legislature and signed into law in May 2004 by Gov. Bill Owens. Colorado no longer appropriates tax dollars directly to colleges and universities. Instead, eligible undergraduates 可以申请国家资助的COF助学金,用于支付本科教育的费用.
- What is a COF stipend?
这是国家将为每个学时的成本支付的金额 由参加科罗拉多学院和大学的合格学生提供.
- 大学机会基金何时生效?
COF is now in effect. Fall 2005 was the first term for COF stipends. The eligible 学生需要向COF一次性申请,并授权UNCO为“终身” “授权”或将需要记住授权每个学期他们注册 for COF eligible courses.
- Who is eligible?
- 有资格获得州内学费并在参与公立学校注册的本科生 college or university in Colorado
- 州内私立学院和大学的本科生也有资格.
- Who is not eligible?
- Residents of states other than Colorado
- Graduate students
- UNC resident tuition & fees for one semester
- How do I apply for the COF stipend?
You only need to apply once. 你可以通过这个网站监控你的津贴账户 to track available stipend credit hours. The student must also authorize every term 或在申请COF后选择“终身授权”.
- How do I authorize COF?
您必须通过点击“财务”选项卡授权您的Ursa帐户中的COF then the COF Stipend Authorization link. Selecting “lifetime authorization” allows the authorization to be done one time for the entire time you are at UNC. The term authorization requires you to authorize COF every semester.
当你第一次注册时,你可能也会收到一个弹出的问题 to authorize. 如果你这样做了,你就不需要登录大熊座了.
- 申请和授权COF助学金的截止日期是什么时候?
尽快申请和批准COF津贴,但不迟于 last day of the term. 请注意,COF津贴不能颁发给以前的学生 terms.
- How does my COF stipend get from the state to UNC?
- 您可以使用在线申请申请COF津贴.
- COF将符合条件的学生添加到跟踪COF助学金使用情况的全州数据库中.
- 您授权博天堂官方将您的COF津贴应用到您的博天堂官方账户
- UNC会告诉COF你每学期的学时数.
- COF每学期自动将津贴发送给UNC.
- 北卡大学从你的总学费中扣除助学金.
- 你的账单上显示了你所欠的津贴和剩余的学费.
- Do I still have to pay tuition?
Yes. COF津贴不包括所有的出勤费用. You will continue 支付一部分学费,就像你过去那样. Your bill will show how much COF pays and how much you pay.
- Does the COF stipend replace Financial Aid?
No. 它不会改变经济援助要求,也不会影响你获得财政援助的资格 aid. 经济援助将用于支付你的学费.
- Will I get a check for the COF stipend?
No. COF津贴发给你所就读的学院. The stipend is credited to your account each term.
- 多少学时的津贴将帮助支付?
创建COF的法律将学生的一生限制在145个学分. 新生获得145学时的COF津贴. Continuing students also have 终身限制为145学时,使用的学时数将为 根据他们的分类(大一,大二,大三,大四).
- 145学时的终身限制有例外吗?
是的,UNC将自动处理一次性,一年的机构豁免 145 credit hour limit and inform you by email. After you have exhausted the UNC waiver, you may apply for an additional waiver from the Commission on Higher Education.
- Will the stipend pay for every class?
No. 助学金不能用于基础技能课程(补习或ESL课程)。. 此外,助学金不能用于大多数校外学习、扩展学习或继续学习 education classes.
- 我可以选择不申请某些课程的助学金吗?
- 我可以同时在多所大学使用COF助学金吗?
Yes. 每个学院必须报告你的注册和学分,COF会支付你的学费 stipend to each college. 在每所大学学习的学时计入津贴限额.
- 本科生可以用助学金修研究生课程吗?
Yes. 参加研究生课程的本科生,作为学士学位的一部分 学位课程只要在进行研究生阶段的课程,就可以获得助学金 towards their bachelor’s degree program.
- 除了完成助学金申请,我还需要做什么吗?
Yes. 你需要授权UNC代表你接受这笔钱. If you do not choose 首次授权时,会提示“终身授权” 在每学期注册时授权.
- What if I transfer to another college?
如果你转学,你不需要重新申请COF津贴. Each college you “出席”会报告你每学期修了多少学时,以及学时 be applied toward your lifetime limit. The student must authorize each college/university 在参加科罗拉多学院/大学的学期内.
- 为什么研究生没有资格获得COF助学金?
COF是科罗拉多州为当地本科生提供经济支持的一种方式 only. 国家通过与各高等学校签订合同来支持研究生 institution.